Greijdanus international
We are a reformed school. We believe that we may and must ‘Sparkle in His light’.
We are more than a school: we are a social and religious community. For the welfare of young people as well (the entire human). We want to ensure that young people reach their full potential in a directly influenceable context of teachers, the school organization and peer group, in connection with the context of family, church and
In today’s world, we view an interconnected network and global awareness as assets. With the current world as interconnected Global Village in mind, Greijdanus is convinced it must place increasingly more importance on internationalization. The school itself aims to be international in the sense that it also is international at home. Our curriculum incorporates intercultural and international dimensions and hence helps students develop international and intercultural skills without ever leaving their country.
Hereby we extend an invitation to you to approach us on this, maybe one day we can collaborate and together make something beautiful happen!
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Identity Greijdanus
As a Reformed Secondary School our right to exist lies in our reformed identity. This means that all people at our school wish to base themselves on, be inspired by, turn towards and draw upon what the God of the Bible wants with us, from the covenant relationship that He has entered into with us. > Read more
Sparkling in His light
The basis for Greijdanus is that we believe that we can and must sparkle in God’s light. This is a promise and a mission. As humans, we are meant to glorify Him. This can only happen if we discover our identity in Christ and if we recognise our unique gifts and want to use them to make Him mighty. > Read more
There has been a close collaboration since June 2009 with the Reformed Primary Education within the scope of Greijdanus, namely Accretio, De Zevenster and Scholengroep Hannah. The organisations work together or coordinate their policies with each other in the areas of identity, care, continuous learning and organisational support. > Read more
At Greijdanus we have opted for an education vision that is more transformational than it is metaphorical. Based on our Christian worldview we believe it is important to aim for a broad personality development of the student. In so doing, we encourage students to master the subjects taught and the associated skills. > Read more
Our commitment to internationalisation is strong and has been defined as one of the key tasks of the quality education our school wants to offer, because of our convictions regarding global mindedness and world citizenship. > Read more
Greijdanus is a Christian public secondary comprehensive school with establishments in Zwolle, Meppel, Hardenberg and Enschede: all in the province Overijssel and Drenthe, towards the north eastern part of The Netherlands. > Read more